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Who We Are


Substance Abuse Leadership Team (SALT)

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County-Wide Collaboration Makes Strides in

Overcoming Opioid Epidemic


The Ashtabula County Substance Abuse Leadership Team (SALT) was formed in March 2017 to address the complex issues of opioid use, misuse, abuse, and overdose deaths in the County as well as gather information for coordinated responses to all substance abuse problems the County may face now and in the future. The work of the Ashtabula County Substance Abuse Leadership Team includes: reducing the number of drug overdoses; increasing public safety; increasing public education and information; and improving a coordinated response to promote prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support efforts.


The Leadership Team aims to take a collaborative community-wide approach to combat the drug epidemic plaguing Ashtabula County. The core values agreed upon by the Leadership Team are:


  • Addiction is our community’s problem and requires collective and coordinated community solutions.

  • Addiction is a major health problem that affects the community at every social-economic level and at every level of community development.

  • Through collaboration and the wise use of resources we can make a difference.


The Team works to explore and identify additional needs of the community and responds collectively to service issues and accessibility.  This work has led to actions such as expanding treatment option, increasing recovery support services such as employment and housing services, targeting the reduction of unused prescription medication in the community, spearheading the distribution of naloxone in the community to save lives until treatment can be accessed, enhancing prevention efforts and supporting activities that build positive social connections in our community. 

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Miriam Walton

Miriam Walton currently serves as Executive Director of the Ashtabula Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and has held that role since 2009. Prior to that role, she served as Assistant Director of the Board (2001- 2009) and as Coordinator of the Ashtabula County Family and Children First Council (1997-2001). In her role as Executive Director, she works directly with local data, engages in planning efforts, and collaborates with internal and external stakeholders. She has built strong relationships throughout Ashtabula County.

Consortium Members


Casey Kozlowski, Commissioner

Ashtabula County Commissioners


Ray Saporito, Health Commissioner

Ashtabula County Health Department


Miriam Walton, Executive Director

Ashtabula County Mental Health and
Recovery Services Board


Paul Bolino¸ CEO

Community Counseling Center


Vincent Gildone, Director

Northwest Ambulance District

COP-RCORP Implementation Products

For the Implementation project period, COP-RCORP addressed 15 core activities under the 4 categories listed below. Click each image to learn more about the specific activities undertaken and how COP-RCORP affected change in each area.

Nurse with older man
Beach Soccer

This website was made possible by grants G25RH32461, G25RH32459, GA133532, G28RH46290, H7NRH42563‐01‐01, and GA133529 from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an operating division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HRSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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