Our Meetings
This section includes key documents related to master consortium meetings. Each includes a brief summary of what took place in the meeting, as well as downloadable agendas for each meeting including meeting minutes at the end of each agenda. Downloadable PowerPoint slides in PDF are also available when applicable.
November 24, 2020: In November, COP-RCORP met to finish end of year tasks related to sustainbility planning and fiscal concerns
January 26, 2021: COP-RCORP met to hear presentations from different organizations who help with CLAS trainings and then broke into two groups: workforce development and stigma
February 23, 2021: Guest speaker, Cheryll Moore, from the Erie County, NY Health Department shared her experiences with naloxone distribution and placement throughout her county. Consortium members then discussed new ways to distribute naloxone locally.
April 27, 2021: Master Consortium members met to discuss plans for the rest of this year and how to distribute work
Our Implementation Meetings (Year 2)
March 2021: Consortium members review upcoming tasks and discussed how to engage the community in communicating consortia work
May, 2021: In May Master Consortium members discussed ways to communicate activities and accomplishments within and outside of the HRSA network. We also followed up on April meeting activities and discussed further CLAS trainings.
June, 2021: Amy Snodgrass presented on the HRSA community in West Virginia to reground the master consortium and communities hared accomplishments, hurdles, and promising practices.
July, 2021: COP-RCORP developed a presentation for the HRSA Region 5 Stigma meeting and discussed activities for Overdose Awareness day.
August, 2021: Special Guest, Deputy Director Bobbie Boyer, from OH Mental Health and Addication Services (OhioMHAS) spoke with the consortium members
September, 2021: COP-RCORP met to discuss and review activities and marketing implemented on Nation Overdose Awareness Day and to look forward to year 3 implementation activities.
October, 2021: Joe Savarise, the CEO of Ohio Hotel and Lodging Association, presented "Partnership for NaloxBoxes" to encourage more hotels in COP-RCORP funded areas to invest in NaloxBoxes.
October 22, 2019: At our first meeting for the implementation period, we discussed a roadmap for meeting the key activities for implementation and how to amend MOUs for this phase of the initiative.
November 19, 2019: We decided to meet face to face to better understand how we could merge what we had planned to do in the first phase of the RCORP initiative with what was required under HRSA during the implementation phase.
November 26, 2019: After our face to face meeting, we convened on our regular virtual meeting to discuss relevant professional development opportunities and talk through how COP-RCORP consortium members wanted to address the sustainability plan as well as next steps in the 15 HRSA Implementation activities.
January 28, 2020 : COP-RCORP met in the new year to remind all consortium members about the most pressing tasks to meet our implementation goals. The group is focusing on CLAS standards and naloxone. Naloxone will be am activity that consortium members tackle independently. CLAS standards will be discussed as a workgroup.
February 23, 2020 : In our February meeting we discussed individual progress on Naloxone and CLAS workgroup progress.
April 28, 2020 : COP-RCORP convened on April 28, 2020 to discuss leading during the time of COIVD-19. Discussion also centered around CERC and presenting the final guidance statement from the CLAS workgroup.
Our Implementation Meetings (Year 1)
May 26, 2020 : COP-RCORP members met to discuss approaches to prevention core activity 5, workforce development, and addressing stigma. The CLAS workgroup also shared their experience presenting to the Region V Opioid Taskforce meeting earlier that day.
June 23, 2020 : In June, COP-RCORP met to continue work on workforce development and stigma. During this meeting, the CLAS workgroup also presented a dry run of their planned presentation to HRSA and JBS.
July 28, 2020 : The July 2020 meeting introduced Erie county’s naloxone program and included discussion of other ways to get naloxone to needed populations. The consortium also focused on end of year reporting and break out groups for stigma and workforce development.
August 25, 2020: Members spent the August meeting discussing reporting requirements and deadlines that were upcoming as well as breaking out into workgroups to address stigma and workforce development.
September 22, 2020: Most of the September Master Consortium meeting was spent in break out groups for workforce development and Stigma. Please see the core activities pages related to these activities for more information.
October 27, 2020: At the October meeting, COP-RCORP was joined by representatives from Adams and Lawrence Counties in Ohio to discuss IOM prevention categories specifically, reaching selective and indicated populations. Before meeting as sub-groups on workforce and stigma, the full consortium also confirmed sustainability plans and reviewed updates from HRSA.
December 18th, 2018: Introduced support team (Ohio University and PIRE), community consortia, brief overview of the RCORP-Planning Program (core activities and deliverables), local consortia needs assessments, workforce development, logistics, website and project logo.
Agenda including minutes
February 8th, 2019: COP-RCORP Members reviewed the new website and logo, overview of HRSA deliverables, COP-RCORP MOU, local consortium MOUs, needs assessment, updated workplan and previewed capacity assessment.
March 26th, 2019: COP-RCORP Members reviewed the new website and logo, overview of HRSA deliverables, COP-RCORP MOU, local consortium MOUs, needs assessment, updated workplan and previewed capacity assessment.
Agenda including minutes
Our Planning
April 23, 2019: Members shared accomplishments and challenges faced so far in RCORP planning, including updates on local MOUs and preparing applications for the HRSA-Implementation grant funds.
May 28 2019: Members discussed updates to their needs and gaps assessments, discussed a timeline for the remainder of the project, and introduced the strategic planning approach.
June 28 2019: Members discussed reflections from the work session held face to face earlier in the week to cross walk familiar, Ohio strategic planning documents and those JBS had created, discussed next steps in this process, and the reverse site visit from earlier in the month.
July 22 2019: Consortium members shared with each other the process of peer feedback on their needs’ assessments and discussed strategic planning as a next step. Many have begun this step, but some are new to this process. Working as a group is helpful to our consortium since we can learn from each other.
August 27, 2019: The August meeting was spent celebrating the award of the HRSA-I funds and discussing final deliverables for the HRSA-P agreement including the Needs Assessments, Strategic Plans, and Sustainability Plans.
September 24, 2019: Members discussed completing the core activities for the planning phase of RCORP, timeline to finish, and the onboarding process for the implementation phase.