Needs and Gaps Assessment
In order for our community of practice to be successful, each activity must be properly placed in a relevant local context. The first step to contextual analysis is to conduct a needs assessment of the local resources, barriers, and services in each community. Each community conducts a detailed analysis to identify opportunities and gaps in OUD prevention, treatment (including MAT), and/or recovery workforce, services, and access to care within the target rural service area and existing federal, state, and local OUD resources that could be leveraged within the rural community.
Carrie Burggraff,
Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs
Needs and Gaps Assessment Summary
The HRSA COP-RCORP consortia completed their needs and gaps assessments via a series of on-demand webinars using the templates provided below along with wrap-around support from the TTAE team. This summary webinar describes how the templates below were utilized and brought together as well as the final processes, including putting all of the text together in the final
Introduction and Mission
This on-demand webinar gives an overview of how to user the provided introduction and mission template (linked below). The slides for the webinar are also available
This on-demand webinar overviews the prevention sections of the priority needs’ assessment template provided by HRSA’s TA provider. The slides for the webinar are also available.
Prevention Template – posted 3/29/2019
Treatment and Recovery
This on-demand webinar overviews the treatment and recovery sections of the priority needs’ assessment template provided by HRSA’s TA provider. The slides for the webinar are also available.
Peer Feedback Process
This set of resources is meant to help guide a peer-to-peer review of the needs and gaps assessment. Once a first draft of each template has been completed, consortium members meet to discuss sticking points and areas of strength.