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Prevention Core Activity 1: Naloxone

To meet the activity outlined under prevention as:

Develop, implement, and assess intervention models that leverage opioid overdose reversal and increased naloxone availability as a bridge to treatment and ensure that rural communities have sufficient access to naloxone.

COP-RCORP decided in the Fall of 2019 to address this core activity independently at the local level. Each COP-RCORP local consortium completed a Needs Assessment in the planning phase which indicated the best way to approach increasing access to Naloxone in each community. The five local consortia are taking different strategies based on their Needs Assessments and Strategic Plans. Below are slides detailing naloxone-related activities presented by the communities during our regularly scheduled consortium meeting in February 2020. The video includes a recording of this presentation.


Naloxone Boxes distributed

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Fairfield County Narcan (1).001.jpeg
Fairfield County Narcan (1).002.jpeg
The Opiate Task Force (OTF) is working with Mayors in HRSA-designated zip codes to provide information and resources for treatment and recovery and to support and expand naloxone distribution. OTF is also working to build awareness in public through targeted dissemination of resources for no-cost naloxone to faith community, dollar stores, and food pantries. The county is tentatively planning for in-person events, depending on the COVID-19 situation.
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Seneca - Presentation on Harm Reduction.
Seneca - Presentation on Harm Reduction.
Seneca has focused on increasing awareness of naloxone and training opportunities and working with Sandusky County to increase naloxone training and distribution through a local recovery group, a local treatment provider, and a local prevention coalition. The community is continuing naloxone data collection and emergency boxes for naloxone.
Ashtabula has continued to focus on touchless Naloxone distribution and working on "Check Expiration Date" campaign through partner distribution sites. Naloxone leave-behind sites have also been expanded.
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Sandusky Naloxone Power Point.001.jpeg
Sandusky Naloxone Power Point.002.jpeg
Sandusky has focused on increasing awareness of naloxone and its use through distribution of Save-A-Life naloxone cards as well as continuing online training and naloxone distribution. More recently, Sandusky has partnered with a local recovery group, a local treatment provider, and a local prevention coalition to distribute Narcan and train community members on how to use it. Sandusky has also worked with Seneca County on marketing and how to institutionalize naloxone distribution efforts.
COP-RCORP Approach to Naloxone

Learn how to establish a naloxone distribution program that limits travel and provides for social distancing.

This website was made possible by grants G25RH32461, G25RH32459, GA133532, G28RH46290, H7NRH42563‐01‐01, and GA133529 from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an operating division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HRSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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